
Monday 15 April 2019

The Book of the Prophet Isaiah Chapter 22 of 66


The Book of the Prophet Isaiah




 ¹ The oracle concerning the valley of vision. What do you mean that you have gone up, all of you, to the housetops, ² you that are full of shoutings, tumultuous city, exultant town? Your slain are not slain by the sword, nor are they dead in battle.


(The Book of the Prophet Isaiah Chapter 22 verses 1 to 2)


 Oh brothers and sisters, the greatest death of all is not that of the body but of the spirit. For we can be alive in the body leading an empty life void of meaning and direction which leads to a life of sin and insecurity. Amen. I pray that You always keep me on the right track that leads to You my God and Father Amen.


 ³ Your rulers have all fled together; they were captured without the use of a bow. All of you who were found were captured though they had fled far away.


(The Book of the Prophet Isaiah Chapter 22 verse 3)


Oh God my Father we are never beyond Your reach for You are present every place that I go and at every moment of my life. Your wisdom is beyond our comprehension. You have the answers to the mysteries skeletons and black holes of our lives. What we declare You can use against us for You know the truth about us. However, even though You are just You do it in a loving and caring way Amen.

⁴ Therefore I said; Look away from me, let me weep bitter tears do not try to comfort me for the destruction of my beloved people.

(The Book of the Prophet Isaiah Chapter 22 verse 4)

During my moments of bitterness, I cried and wept for Your support my God and Father. I prayed for Your Word of comfort and empowerment. I prayed that You would wipe the tears from my eyes and You did so, however when looking at the ways of the world, the mindset of our society in 2019, my heart is again broken. My consolation is that there are still people who believe in You and genuinely reflect Your presence in them by means of their acts Amen.

⁵ For the Lord GOD of hosts has a day of tumult and trampling and confusion in the valley of vision, a battering down of walls and a cry for help to the mountains.

(The Book of the Prophet Isaiah Chapter 22 verse 5)

Oh God blessed be the days that You plan for extraordinary things to take place on earth. All happens with a purpose and all are under Your control Amen.

⁶ Elam bore the quiver with chariots and cavalry and Kir uncovered the shield.

(The Book of the Prophet Isaiah Chapter 22 verse 6)

Oh, brothers and sisters, we all have an important role to play in the sense that some of us pray for others, while others work actively on behalf of others, while others pray in the silence of the night and even early morning for the whole world. Amen.

⁷ Your choicest valleys were full of chariots and the cavalry took their stand at the gates.

(The Book of the Prophet Isaiah Chapter 22 verse 7)

Oh God my Father You give us many opportunities in order to make good choices in order to shape our future, however, we do not always make good of such circumstances. Amen.

⁸ He has taken away the covering of Judah. On that day you looked to the weapons of the House of the Forest, ⁹ and you saw that there were many breaches in the city of David, and you collected the waters of the lower pool. ¹⁰ You counted the houses of Jerusalem, and you broke down the houses to fortify the wall. ¹¹ You made a reservoir between the two walls for the water of the old pool. But you did not look to him who did it, or have regard for him who planned it long ago.

(The Book of the Prophet Isaiah Chapter 22 verses 8 to 11)

Oh God my Father these verses help me to reflect on my life. Previously I also looked at my life and realized that in my marriage there were more than cracks. As You know the walls were caving in and collapsing and I could not do any more to maintain, and then instead of maintaining I  broke the relationship and started a new life living on my own. However, I kept my look on You every time, even though what I did was not according to Your will, however, I believe that You were in and are still in control of the situation of my life Amen.

¹² In that day the Lord GOD of hosts called to weeping and mourning, to baldness and putting on sackcloth; ¹³ but instead there was joy and festivity, killing oxen and slaughtering sheep, eating meat and drinking wine. "Let us eat and drink for tomorrow we die."

(The Book of the Prophet Isaiah Chapter 22 verses 12 to 13)

Oh God, my Father there are times when instead of turning to You in prayer, we prefer to get drunk in order to forget the gravity of the situation or become alienated by some other means, instead of taking on ourselves the responsibility and sharing the situation with You Amen.

¹⁴ The LORD of hosts has revealed himself in my ears; Surely this iniquity will not be forgiven you until you die says the Lord GOD of hosts.

(The Book of the Prophet Isaiah Chapter 22 verse 14)

Every morning oh God my Father, You reveal Yourself to me by means of Your heart and mind through Your Holy Word as in the Bible. I pray that Your Word remains with me every day of my life. I thank You for every time You have forgiven me of my sins Amen.

¹⁵ Thus says the Lord God of hosts; Come, go to this steward, to Shebna, who is master of the household, and say to him; ¹⁶ What right do you have here? Who are your relative's here, that you have cut out a tomb here for yourself, cutting a tomb on the height, and carving a habitation for yourself in the rock.

(The Book of the Prophet Isaiah Chapter 22 verses 15 to 16)

Oh, brothers and sisters, I invite you all to tap into your natural sinful selves and question this negative being or nature regarding what right has it to abide in us. In the name of Jesus Christ our Lord God and Father, may such evil spirits be evicted from our bodies and souls Amen.

¹⁷ The LORD is about to hurl you away violently, my fellow. He will seize firm hold on you, ¹⁸ whirl you round and round, and throw you like a ball into a wide land; there you shall die, and there your splendid chariots shall lie, O you disgrace to your master's house!

(The Book of the Prophet Isaiah Chapter 22 verses 17 to 18)

Oh God, my Father evil has no presence before You, for You repel all evil. I pray that You filter me from all evil acts and throw them far away from me Amen.

¹⁹ I will thrust you from your office, and you will be pulled down from your post.

(The Book of the Prophet Isaiah Chapter 22 verse 19)

Oh God my Father, You are the one who gave me my job, and You are the only one who can take it away from me for it is Yours. I pray that You will be done Amen.

²⁰ On that day I will call my servant Eliakim son of Hilkiah, ²¹ and will clothe him with your robe and bind your sash on him. I will commit your authority to his hand, and he shall be a father to the inhabitants of Jerusalem and to the house of Judah.

(The Book of the Prophet Isaiah Chapter 22 verses 20 to 21)

Oh God my Father when You deem as being the correct time, provide me with a successor so that he or she can continue this blog, I pray that this meditation will not come to an end when my time on earth has ended Amen.

²² I will place on his shoulder the key of the house of David; he shall open, and no one shall shut; he shall shut, and no one shall open.

(The Book of the Prophet Isaiah Chapter 22 verse 22)

Oh God my Father I thank You for giving us Pope Francesco and the authority that You have given to him. I pray that You make him a holy person who will continue to lead us under Your instruction and guidance Amen. I pray that You help him in making the right decisions and the necessary declarations, Amen.

²³ I will fasten him like a peg in a secure place, and he will become a throne of honor to his ancestral house.

(The Book of the Prophet Isaiah Chapter 22 verse 23)

Oh God my Father I pray for more security, especially when talking about You with others who may happen to be unbelievers Amen.

²⁴ And they will hang on him the whole weight of his ancestral house, the offspring and issue, every small vessel, from the cups to all the flagons. ²⁵ On that day, says the LORD of hosts, the peg that was fastened in a secure place will give way; it will be cut down and fall, and the load that was on it will perish, for the LORD has spoken.

(The Book of the Prophet Isaiah Chapter 22 verses 24 to 25)

Oh God my Father in such an early phase of prophecy Isaiah is already preaching of Your passion. You are the peg that was securely fastened which bore the weight of Your people, however, when we remove You from our lives, they will perish and face great tribulations. However, if we place our security in You our loves would be much better.

Oh God my Father I would like to end this meditation on the 22nd chapter of the Book of Isaiah the prophet with the following prayer:-

Oh God my Father I pray that You never remove Your protective hand from us, for without You we are lost. You are my security and stability in life. Amen. Thank You Jesus.

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